» When sales tax is charged.
Sales tax is only charged when an order is shipped to a New York state address. No sales tax will be charged if an order is shipped to any other state or country.
If you have a sales tax exemption, please add a comment to the order and pay the sales tax at first. We will refund it to your credit card as soon as we receive the tax exemption certificate from you.
» How your items will be shipped.
When you order online from Aalborg's web site, you have the choice of United Parcel Service (UPS) or Federal Express (FedEx) as the shipping carrier.
UPS and FedEx will not ship to a post office box. Please be sure to use a proper ship-to address, or your order may be delayed.
Should you require a an alternate method for receiving your order, please contact us directly for further assistance.
Every effort is made to deliver your order as quickly as possible. In-stock items will typically ship from our facility within one (1) business day. When a delay is anticipated, Aalborg will contact and advise you of such using the contact information you've provided.
» When you recieve your order.
Aalborg takes great care in packaging your order in a manner that facilitates it's safe arrival. Upon reciept of your order, please be sure to inspect the packaging carefully for any external damage that may have been incurred during the shipping process. Should there be visible damage on arrival, please refuse to accept the shipment from the carrier; or be sure to include a note stating the package is or appears damaged when signing the shipper�s proof-of-delivery slip.
Open all boxes immediately and check their contents. Aalborg must be notified of any damage or other problems in receiving your order within two (2) days of receipt. To better server you, we request that you inspect the entire order for obvious defects and contact Aalborg in such time.
» When you recieve incorrect items ordered.
Aalborg's quality and inspection process insures that your order is fulfilled and shipped accurately. However, sometimes an error or mistake may occur. We apologize should this have occurred. If your order has been received with the wrong items, please notify us within two (2) days of receipt. We will ship you the correct product and assume the shipping costs both ways.
» Restocking Fee.
All items returned for credit are subject to a 30% restocking fee. The items being returned must be in new (unused) condition. All original packaging and product documentation, such as manuals, must accompany the returned goods.